An Innovative Approach For Your Challenging Head and Neck Conditions
Keystone Upper Cervical Spine Clinic is North Carolina's only clinic to specialize in Upper Cervical Chiropractic and Functional Neurology, taking conventional Upper Cervical care into the future.
Our upper cervical chiropractor focuses on structural and neurological symptoms coming from an upper neck condition called an Atlas Displacement.
About Dr. Cameron Bearder,
" Believe it or not, I'm a rare Lake Norman native, growing up in the once small town of Huntersville. As the years went by, I became fascinated with engine mechanics. All the while I participated in sports, never really taking too much of an interest in how the human body worked. It wasn't until I got sick and later helped by a local chiropractor, that I really discovered my purpose. After over a decade of being involved in healthcare, Keystone, out of necessity, has unfolded into an extremely unique and highly specialized clinic. "
1 of 100 in the using advanced Conebeam CT Imaging
1of 6 in the expanding Upper Cervical Chiropractic with Functional Neurology
1of 1in specializing in Blair Upper Cervical and Orthospinology Upper Cervical Techniques
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