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What's the deal with Dizziness?

90 MILLION Americans go to health care providers because of vertigo, dizziness or balance problems.

It’s the 2nd most common complaint heard in doctor’s offices, and will occur in 70% of the nation’s population at sometime in their lives, with mild to severe head and/or trauma being a leading risk factor for dizziness.

The most common mechanisms of head trauma and/or whiplash are:


Motor Vehicle Accidents (MVAs)

Sports Injury (Single or Multiple)

Trips & Falls

The source of the problem might be your ... neck.


At Keystone Chiropractic LKN, we focus on identifying and correcting what's known as Upper Cervical

Atlas Displacement Complex (click it, just do it!). In our clinical experience, as well as published research, reducing an ADC can be a natural solution for dizziness.


Most folks typically acquire an ADC from one of the 3 mechanisms above, however, with an increase in technology usage, a 4th mechanism is fast becoming poor postural habits. Are there other possible causes for Vertigo and/or Dizziness? Of course. This is when an appropriate examination from an Ear Nose and Throat specialist or a Neurologist is incredibly helpful. Truth be told, most patient’s end up referred to our office with these evaluations and relevant treatment having already been performed.

How YOU Can Help

A component of our comprehensive, concierge approach here at

Keystone Chiropractic LKN is partnering and empowering our patients to take control of their own health. Our belief is that everyone needs a little bit of help in the beginning, but once the momentum is built, the baton is handed over to YOU!

1. Vagal Breathing - This is an activity that stimulates the "Vagus Nerve." Vagus by definition, means wandering, and this super nerve runs throughout the entire human body. It begins at the base of the brain (Atlas spinal segment region), branches down to the heart, lungs, and the digestive tract, before descending into the abdomen. Parts of the vagus nerve enable the organs to adjust instantly to the demands of a person’s surroundings. There are different ways to breathe, some very complex, so we are just going to simplify it:


a) Sit up straight and close your mouth

b) Breathe IN through your NOSE

c) Bring that breath into your stomach, expanding the abdomen OUTWARD

d) Now, pull that abdomen back in, pushing that breath back UP and OUT the NOSE.



2. Staying WELL hydratedThis cannot be stressed enough! Chronic dehydration has many symptoms and can effect your entire body. Specific to dizziness, lack of water volume in the blood can decrease blood pressure, even potentially limiting the quantity of oxygen to the brain, which can in turn create ... dizziness. Would you want to limit the amount of oxygen to YOUR brain? Absolutely not.

Barring a heart condition, a good place to start would be ½ your body weight in ounces. We make that simple here at Keystone by giving each patient a water bottle, so they don't have to be meticulously measuring all day.



3. Ginger Root Powder - Ginger root has been studied previously to help reduce vertigo, and specifically, nausea associated with vertigo. Our recommendation is a pure ginger root powder, from a reputable source. If the ingredients list has anything other than ginger root, look elsewhere. You can put the ginger root powder in water, tea, a smoothie, etc. Ginger root has also been shown to relieve symptoms of other conditions as well!



Lastly and most importantly, it is strongly encouraged that those who have been suffering with vertigo and dizziness to seek help from a licensed, qualified, healthcare professional. Keep in mind that Tips and recommendations are just that, and that in no way are they a replacement for a formal diagnosis and/or treatment.


Ok. Now it's time to make a change.

Use these 3 Tips immediately and take control!

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