What is Upper Cervical Chiropractic?
Upper Cervical Chiropractic is a specialty focus within the larger field of chiropractic, evaluating what is referred to anatomically as the Craniocervical Junction (CCJ). Simply put, it's the upper portion
of the human neck where it meets and supports the head.
The spinal segments at this junction, Atlas & Axis, have unique characteristics that make them the
“weakest link” in the spine and as such, susceptible to injury. Slips and falls, poor posture, sports injuries, whiplash, and car accidents are just a few of many factors that can contribute to
structural instability in the upper neck region.
The goal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic is to identify and correct an Atlas Displacement (AD).
AD is a condition involving abnormal alignment, mechanics,
and nervous system function stemming from the upper cervical region.
This misalignment can have a complex of painful secondary effects,
commonly known as symptoms:
Dizziness & Vertigo
Headaches & Migraines
Post - Concussion Syndrome
Temporomandibular Dysfunction
Pinched Nerves
Upper & Lower Neck Pain
How is the Upper Cervical Spine unique?
The upper cervical spine is unique from what's known as a NeuroStructural perspective:
The human brain controls ALL function, from the Top - Down, and from the Inside - Out.
The brain sends signals downward to a structure called the Brain Stem, which is considered the master control area of the body. The lower part of this brain stem is housed and protected by the Atlas & Axis.
It is here where the brain stem becomes the spinal cord and nerves, that continue downward, traveling to every organ, muscle, and tissue in the entire human body.
If this area becomes irritated, structurally and/or neurologically, it has the potential to effect communication from the brain to the body, and from the body to the brain, as well as blood and cerebrospinal fluid flow!
The spinal segments that make up the Upper Cervical spine are structurally unique.
Atlas & Axis (C1 & C2):
Are the only spinal bones in the body that are devoid of spinal discs, or shock absorbers. These discs are also meant to limit movement as a protective mechanism.
Are the most mobile spinal segments in the entire spine, enabling earthlings to turn their head maximally, left and right. Ligaments are the only means of stopping the turn.
Support the Head over the body. Imagine trying to balance a bowling ball on a hammer handle ... this is a tough,
24/7 job! Now ... imagine if
the top of the handle is CROOKED!!!
What does our Upper Cervical evaluation look like?
Instead of a conventional "One Size Fits All" approach, your Upper Cervical solution
is customized from many factors, such as your Health History,
3-D CT Scan, Complete NeuroStructural Examination, and
any risk factors that your condition might create. Our evaluation process is highlighted below.
3-D CBCT Scan
State-of-the-art 3-D CBCT imaging allows us to view the overall structural integrity of your upper neck. Viewing your unique structure in 3-D is necessary for calculating a specific Atlas Correction. This novel imaging is crucial for determining how much structural improvement is achievable.
NeuroStructural Examination
The initial Examination includes objective testing in the form of Dynamic Posturography Assessment, NeuroThermal Diagnostic Scanning, Proprioceptive, Visual, and Vestibular Testing, as well as an Expanded Neurological Exam.
Other testing will be performed if indicated.
Corrective Office Appointments
Regular office visits are a flat, fee-for-result and combine multiple modalities; Functional Neurology Exercises, Neuromuscular Re-education, Global Adjusting via Instrument and Drop Table methods, and Corrective Atlas adjusting.
Other tools are used when needed.
" I have seen exceptional and lasting results
from his focus on the Upper Neck. "
Eric S.