Your head injury needs to be taken seriously
It's likely that you've been dealing with one or multiple of the following symptoms:​
Neck Pain
Balance Issues
Mood Swings
Visual Issues
Brain Fog
use THIS introduction and references for mTBI page
Well, the research is pretty clear ...
The human neck is quite often a contributor or the cause of many headaches and migraines. These are Cervicogenic Headaches and Migraines, and the research pointing to this has been growing for DECADES. Take a look:
What's going on here?
How can the neck create these problems?
Well, it's all about balancing the position of the head over the neck and then of the neck over the shoulders. If this balance disrupts or displaces, it can create or contribute to headaches and migraines. The area of the neck most susceptible to displacement is the upper part, known to doctors as the upper cervical region.

But there's actually more to the story
Surprise! Of course, right? There's ALWAYS more.
You see, in theory, the issue is ONLY in the neck, but in the real world, that's not how the human body works.
Instead of living in a "silo" and expecting a conventional approach to work for everyone, Keystone expands the field to include ALL the systems involved with headache disorders. These include your Eyes, Inner Ear(s), and/or the Head Position on top of your neck and Atlas bone.

In reality, these three systems should behave like a symphony.
Conventional approaches treat it instead as a solo. This is the assumption of a "root cause" belief. While this makes things easier, it flat-out ignores that the human body does NOT work as a solo. At Keystone, we've made it our laser-focused mission to create a research-informed system that evaluates and treats ALL 3 systems, if necessary.
Advanced Post-Doctoral education in Neurology, Migraine, Concussion, Neurovisual Applications, and Vestibular Rehabilitation​

Multi-field diagnostic equipment,
Advanced CT scanning on-site,
clinically and research validated methods

10 years in Healthcare,
co - managing complex cases with regional and national providers, with performance - oriented results

This has all been for a particular goal.
" Identify the issue(s) involved, increasing the chances of achieving the desired goal, all while reducing the amount of time necessary to reduce symptoms. "​
You've already been to the "major players." And that was the EXACT right thing to do, to ensure nothing serious was happening. But, if you've been suffering from your symptoms for more than 2 months, medications aren't working, and you've completed conventional approaches ... It might be time for something more advanced in the form of Keystone's Neurological Optimization approach.

Let's paint a quick picture.
Your car's stuck in a rut, tires spinning, and getting absolutely nowhere.​
You're giving it everything you've got, but realizing that what you're doing isn't working.
You've got 2 choices:
Keep spinning and hope something catches
Make a compromise and call a tow service for some extra effort to get you out
Here's the deal. If you're taking a less-ideal approach with endless effort and consistency, you're likely to not get very far. Make no mistake, when it comes to achieving your goal, it takes effort and compromise, there's no way around it. But why continue to be stuck in a rut, when you could be driving toward your goal, faster than you ever had?